11 May 2014

有你的地方是天堂 (善歌)


母親呦 妳像月亮 散發出 溫柔的光
我們像 迷途的羊 依偎在 妳的身旁
母親呦 妳的手掌 拍拍著 我們背上
為我們 輕輕的唱 讓我們 幸福成長
妳的愛 像月光    那麼溫柔又慈祥
在妳的 懷抱中    是最幸福的時光
妳的愛 像月光    給我溫暖和希望

6 May 2014

Humans Are Biologically Herbivorous [人类天生就是草食性生物]

Humans Are Biologically Herbivorous [人类天生就是草食性生物]

Facial muscles

Reduced to allow wide mouth gapeReducedWell-developedWell-developed
Jaw typeAngle not expandedAngle not expandedExpanded angleExpanded angle
Jaw joint locationOn same plane as molar teethOn same plane as molar teethAbove the plane of the molarsAbove the plane of the molars
Jaw motionShearing; minimal side-to-side motionShearing; minimal side-to-side motionNo shear; good side-to-side, front-to-backNo shear; good side-to-side, front-to-back
Major jaw musclesTemporalisTemporalisMasseter and ptergoidsMasseter and pterygoids
Mouth opening vs. head sizeLargeLargeSmallSmall
Teeth: IncisorsShort and pointedShort and pointedBroad, flattened and spade-shapedBroad, flattened and spade-shaped
Teeth: CaninesLong, sharp, and curvedLong, sharp and curvedDull and short or long (for defense), or noneShort and blunted
Teeth: MolarsSharp, jagged and blade-shapedSharp blades and/or flattenedFlattened with cusps vs. complex surfaceFlattened with nodular cusps
ChewingNone; swallows food wholeSwallows food whole and/or simple crushingExtensive chewing necessaryExtensive chewing necessary
SalivaNo digestive enzymesNo digestive enzymesCarbohydrate digesting enzymesCarbohydrate digesting enzymes
Stomach typeSimpleSimpleSimple or multiple chambersSimple
Stomach acidity  with food in stomach≤ pH 1≤ pH 1pH 4-5pH 4-5
Length of small intestine3-6 times body length4-6 times body length10-12+ times body length10-11 times body length*
ColonSimple, short, and smoothSimple, short, and smoothLong, complex; may be sacculatedLong, sacculated
LiverCan detoxify vitamin ACan detoxify vitamin ACannot detoxify vitamin ACannot detoxify vitamin A
KidneyExtremely concentrated urineExtremely concentrated urineModerately concentrated urineModerately concentrated urine
NailsSharp clawsSharp clawsFlattened nails or blunt hoovesFlattened nails
Taken from The Comparative Anatomy of Eating, by Milton R. Mills, M.D. 
"Body length" measured from neck to anus, as with the other animals.
Visit the website HERE for the full article on this topic